Underage Drinking Prevention Program: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Project Year: 09/30/2023 – 09/29/2027
Gloria Dee, MSW, Senior Project Director
505.278.7789 ext. 126
This purpose of this program is to increase the education and awareness about underage drinking in the Fort Defiance communities in AZ in the Navajo Nation. The program will provide education and trainings in school and community settings. A goal of STOP is to reach a minimum of 1,500 youth ages 12 through 20 in the 27 Navajo Nation Chapters of the Fort Defiance Agency. This program also aims to increase intergovernmental and community collaboration about underage drinking and developing policies for drinking offenders to be provided a culturally specific youth development training.
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