TPP23: Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health Through Evidenced-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs and Services.

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service

  • Project Year: 07/01/2023 – 06/30/2028

Eudora Redhouse
505.278.7789 ext. 124


This program expands access to high-quality curriculum to improve sexual and reproductive health outcomes and promote positive youth development. The goal is to reduce teen pregnancies in Native American youth in the Four Corners communities of NM and AZ. During the 6-month planning period during a local diverse Community Advisory Board conducted community assessments and reviews evidence-based curriculum that is inclusive of all youth and is age and culturally appropriate.

The selected curriculum was Wyman TOP for students and LIFT for parents. These curricula are being presented by trained CBI staff in various settings in NM and AZ, such as school districts, Navajo Chapters’ youth programs, and faith-based organizations. The program also includes family engagement and partnering with local organizations.

Building Sustainable Communities

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